
Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker

In addition to helping parents with household chores, home child care providers assist parents in caring for their children. In contrast to the Live-in Caregiver Program, which mandates that caregivers reside in their employers’ houses, they are able to provide care at both their own homes and those of their employers. Academic Background of in-home childcare providers
All candidates seeking to become home child care providers must show that they possess one or more of the completed items listed below.


A foreign educational certificate equal to the aforementioned, a one-year post-secondary (or higher) Canadian credential, and an Educational certificate Assessment (ECA) report from an IRCC-designated organization Canadian qualifications Any post-secondary diploma, certificate, or credential awarded upon successful completion of a Canadian program of study or training at an educational or training institution recognized by the provincial authorities in charge of registering, accrediting, overseeing, and regulating such institutions is considered a Canadian educational credential.

A foreign educational certificate equal to the aforementioned, a one-year post-secondary (or higher) Canadian credential, and an Educational certificate Assessment (ECA) report from an IRCC-designated organization Canadian qualifications Any post-secondary diploma, certificate, or credential awarded upon successful completion of a Canadian program of study or training at an educational or training institution recognized by the provincial authorities in charge of registering, accrediting, overseeing, and regulating such institutions is considered a Canadian educational credential.


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Conclusive evidence that an applicant’s complete foreign educational credentials are equivalent to at least a complete Canadian 1-year post-secondary educational credential can be found in the assessment outcome state in the ECA report. Nonetheless, evaluations will comprise an appraisal of the applicant’s full set of international school certificates by the designated organization. Canadian work experience requirements Once the candidate provides evidence of this criteria, their eligibility for Canadian work experience will be evaluated. The evaluation will occur either during the initial application process for permanent residence or following the issuing of an occupation-restricted open work permit (OROWP) via one of these pilot programs.

Candidates with a full year of experience In order to apply for permanent residence, candidates who have completed 24 months of qualifying work experience in Canada must provide proof of this experience at the time of application. In the 36 months prior to submitting their application, the applicant must provide proof that they completed at least 24 months of qualified full-time work experience in Canada.

Candidates with less than a year’s experience An OROWP will be awarded to applicants who meet all other requirements but do not have the required 24 months of qualified Canadian work experience at the time of their application for permanent residence.
The candidate must provide proof that they have at least 24 months of authorized full-time work experience within 36 months of the OROWP being issued. All claims for qualifying work experience were to be made within 36 months of the OROWP’s issue.

To be eligible for this position,

candidates must have both work authorization and temporary residence status for the duration of their work experience gained in Canada. To meet the work experience requirement, only authorized work will be accepted. The authorization to work may be obtained through any combination of permits to work and other forms of authorization to work (including maintain status).

Working for pay for at least thirty hours a week is considered full-time. An applicant must get work experience in one of the acceptable occupations specified in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) in order to be eligible: Provider of In-Home Child Care Pilot candidates need to be qualified childcare providers with prior work experience (NOC 4411). Candidates must offer in-home care for children under the age of eighteen, whether it is at their own residence, the employer’s residence, or the child’s residence.

Most Significantly, applicants cannot be foster parents under the Home Child Care Provider Pilot. Home Support Worker Pilot: According to NOC 4412, all applicants must have equivalent work experience as home support workers or in related fields.

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Furthermore, housekeepers and associated occupations are not eligible to apply under the home support worker class among the sub-occupations under NOC 4412. The applicant must persuade the officer that they perform procedure housekeeping tasks, like laundry and dishwashing, as an incidental part of their primary role providing in-home care, and that their primary focus is on providing personal care and support services in accordance with the main duties outlined in the NOC occupational description.

Additional requirements for a provider of in-home child care: In evaluating an applicant’s suitability for the job, officers may consult the supplementary materials included in the application. This could include copies of any applicable training or educational records, such as diplomas or certificates, as well as evidence of any relevant prior employment experience, whether it was compensated or unpaid.

letters of recommendation from employers Work contract records, pay stubs, and a copy of the applicant’s most current Canadian work permit (if applicable) are all required. The officer must adhere to procedural fairness where there are legitimate doubts about the applicant’s capacity to do the job.

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Conclusions: Before issuing an occupation-restricted open work permit and evaluating applicants for qualifying work experience, applicants who have less than 24 months of qualifying work experience and who meet the requirements for education, language proficiency, job offer, and ability to perform the work must be evaluated for competence.

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